Easy shortbread

This is a very easy recipe for a lovely crumbly shortbread.


4 tablespoons plain flour

2.5 tablespoons butter, cut into cubes. Preferably room temp

1 tablespoon caster sugar

1 dessertspoon cold water


Pre heat the oven to 180C

Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper or non stick foil

Tip the flour and the cubed butter into a bowl and use your fingertips to gently mix together

Once the mixture looks a little bit like breadcrumbs you can add the sugar

Mix together with a fork

Add the water a little at a time until you have a mixture that you can collect into a ball

Line your work surface with some clingfilm or use a glass chopping board and sprinkle the surface with a little flour

Roll out your mixture to about 0.5cm thickness

Grab your favourite cookie cutter and cut into shapes

Keep collect the remaining mixture together and roll out again to make more biscuits

Pop into your oven for 10-12 minutes

Once cooked leave to cool for a few minutes and then put them onto a wire tray to cool completely

When your biscuits are cold you can decorate them with writing icing, chocolate chips, edible eyes or whatever you fancy!

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